25 July 2011

Strawberries Melody Cake

I got this request from Suika to do a birthday cake & chocolate butter cupcakes(30pcs) for her girl, but wanted a fresh cream cake of 1.5kg. I am not good at fresh cream cake but she still wanted me to proceed to doing it (attach a picture to Replica). So I gave it a go even though I am REALLY not good at it. She told me that she wanted me to do the cake was because of the Melody(it really is just down to the MELODY fondant actually. hehe) Suika hb: Jay came down to take the cake & ask why must order advance, I told him the fondant takes about 2 days to mould out manually and I do my own MMF, hence really need advance notice for it to dry up too which can take a week if weather is lousy. I had to search for idea look for a Melody as I am not familiar.

I made a huge error as I was dead tired doing the cupcakes & cake to 2.49AM. I forgot to box the cake before putting it in fridge hence the cake outer was hard.... Another error I made was I didn't cream enough cream to cover the whole cake hence another error on my part.... I am so upset so much by my carelessness..... My HB say dont ever do fresh cream cake again as I am not sure of the quantity needed... Until I am really good, but I told him ' If I never do this cake, how am I to know how much is needed and used?' He couldn't reply me. As baking a cake really require hands on.

Tadah!!! the end results: a Melody on a strawberry. :)

A final product out weighted: 1.9kg a 4 layer strawberry milk sponge cake with cutups of strawberries full to the brim. the cupcakes I used Hershey's unsweetened Cocoa powder. It was top with buttercream(cranberry juice was added into it to have a sweet & saltiness here & there) Well Sukia was such a good mummy, look at how she cutout the Melody stick 1 by 1.

I got extra cupcakes for my kids- 6pcs of this which I topped with my own strawberries and it was great.. Tangy.. Maybe I should have did this for Suika instead of the buttercream.

TO Suika: Many apologies for the hardness of cake as I am still a novice towards fresh cream cakes... Paiseh paiseh many times.

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